Based in Houston, Texas, Catholic Policy is a column by Trenton Bush. His posts are about the application of Catholic thought to government policy, business ethics, and everyday life.

Shalom - Let Your Actions Speak

Shalom - Let Your Actions Speak

On October 27, 2018 a man entered the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with hatred in his heart. After shouting, “all Jews must die,” he opened fire on the congregation during the morning Shabbat service. His actions resulted in the death of eleven individuals and the wounding of nine others. Stated another way, he started with a philosophy (anti-Semitism), expressed that idea in words, and then followed up those words with actions that changed the world for hundreds of people.

In response to this and other acts of violence, we must respond with more than just an idea and words. If we want to change the world, and right the wrongs that we see, then words must be followed up with actions. For each of us the actions we are capable of taking may be different, but each action when taken together, will not just balance the scales, but will ultimately overcome the evils we face.  For my household, which is Catholic, we will be going to our first ever Shabbat service this Friday in order to demonstrate in more than words that our family stands with our Jewish brothers and sisters. If your local temple is hosting a Solidarity Shabbat service, I hope you will consider partaking as well. May this be the first of many positive actions we take together as a community to change the world.

Through these and many other actions, we can remind the world that our Lord does not forget our brothers and sisters who die in acts of evil, and neither do we. 

Joyce Fienberg, 75

Rich Gottfried, 65

Rose Mallinger, 97

Jerry Rabinowitz, 66

Cecil Rosenthal, 59

David Rosenthal, 54

Bernice Simon, 84

Sylvan Simon, 86

Daniel Stein, 71

Melvin Wax, 88

Irving Younger, 69

For these and all other victims of anti-Semitism, I turn to a passage in the Torah that reminds us of the trust we can place in our Lord.

But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.”  - Isaiah 43:1-3

The Accumulation of Coats

The Accumulation of Coats

A God of Many Nations

A God of Many Nations